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The Ultimate Guide To Winter Motorcycle Camping

October 20, 2022

winter motorcycle camping

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons | License details

There's nothing quite like motorcycle camping in the winter. The crisp air, the snow-capped mountains, and the feeling of freedom that comes with being on the open road... it's truly an unforgettable experience. But if you're not properly prepared, winter motorcycle camping can also be a cold, uncomfortable, and even dangerous ordeal.

Related: 5 Beginner Tips For Solo Motorcycle Camping

In this guide, we'll show you how to plan and execute a successful winter motorcycle camping trip, from choosing the right gear to staying warm and dry while you're on the road. By the time you're finished reading, you'll be ready to tackle any winter motorcycle camping adventure that comes your way.

Tip #1: Planning Your Trip

winter motorcycle camping

Photo by Ralph Katieb on Unsplash

The first step in planning a successful winter motorcycle camping trip is to choose your destination. When picking a place to camp, there are a few key factors to consider:

- How far away is it? You don't want to have to ride for hours in the cold just to get to your campsite.
- Is there adequate snow cover? You'll need at least a few inches of snow on the ground in order to stay warm at night.
- Are there any hazards? Make sure to pick a safe campsite that is far away from any potential avalanches or other dangers.

When planning your route, be sure to take into account weather conditions, road closures, and other potential hazards. It's also a good idea to let someone know your planned route and expected arrival time so they can check in on you if you don't arrive as expected.

Tip #2: Packing Your Gear

winter motorcycle camping

Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

Once you've chosen your destination, it's time to start packing your gear. There are a few essentials that you'll need for any winter camping trip:

- A tent: Choose a four-season tent that is designed for cold weather use. Be sure to set up your tent before you leave so you know how everything goes together.

- Sleeping bags: You'll need two sleeping bags - one for inside your tent, and one for outside in case you need to make an emergency bivouac. Make sure both of your bags are rated for cold weather use and will keep you warm even if temperatures dip below freezing.

- A stove: A portable stove is essential for cooking food and boiling water. Choose a model that runs on either propane or white gas so you can easily find fuel no matter where you are.

- Clothing: In terms of clothing, you'll want to dress in layers. This way, you can add or remove clothing as necessary to maintain a comfortable body temperature. Wool or synthetic fabrics are best; avoid cotton, as it tends to hold moisture next to your skin and will make you cold. Be sure to pack extra socks, gloves, and a scarf or neck gaiter; these items will come in handy if you get cold or wet while on the road. Finally, don't forget your helmet and other safety gear! Just because you're not riding far doesn't mean you should skimp on safety.

- Boots: A good pair of boots is essential for any winter camping trip. Look for waterproof, insulated boots that will keep your feet warm even if they get wet.  Once you've packed all of your winter motorcycle camping gear, double check everything to make sure you haven't forgotten anything important. Then load up your bike and hit the road!

Related: A Complete Motorcycle Camping Gear List: What to pack?

Tip #3: Take breaks often

winter motorcycle camping

Photo by Ralph Katieb on Unsplash

Riding in cold weather can be tiring, so be sure to take breaks often to rest and warm up. Take breaks every two hours to warm up and give yourself a chance to drink fluids. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Hot drinks are best, but if you're unable to have hot drinks, make sure your drinks are room temperature or above so you don't lose heat from your body trying to warm them up. Avoid alcohol because it lowers your body temperature and increases your risk of dehydration. If you start to feel cold, stop immediately and get indoors or into a heated vehicle as soon as possible. It's best to find indoor spaces (such as coffee shops or gas stations) where you can take off your helmet and gloves and give yourself a chance to thaw out completely.

Tip #4: Be Prepared For Bad Weather

winter motorcycle camping

Photo by Myznik Egor on Unsplash

Bad weather is one of the biggest risks of winter motorcycle camping. Whether it's snow, ice, or high winds, you need to be prepared for anything Mother Nature throws your way. Be sure to pack extra food and water in case you get stranded, and always let someone know your planned route in case of an emergency.

Tip #5: Check Your Bike Before You Leave

winter motorcycle camping

Photo by Garin Chadwick on Unsplash

It's important to give your bike a thorough inspection before any long trip, but it's especially important in the winter. Inspect the condition of your tires. Check for tread wear and any cracks or cuts in the sidewalls. Make sure that the tires are properly inflated. If you are not sure about the condition of your tires, it is best to replace them before heading out on your trip.

Next, check the condition of your chain. Look for any signs of rust or damage. If the chain is excessively worn, it could break while you are riding, which could be dangerous. If necessary, clean and lubricate the chain before your trip. Check all of the fluids on your motorcycle, including oil, coolant, and brake fluid levels. top off any fluids that are low and look for any leaks. It is also a good idea to flush the coolant and change the oil before going on a long trip.

Lastly, test all of the lights on your motorcycle, including the headlight, taillight, turn signals, and brake light. Make sure that they are all in working order and that bulbs are not burned out. Replace any bulbs that are not working. 


So there you have it - everything you need to know about winter motorcycle camping! By following these tips, you'll be able to enjoy a safe and fun winter motorcycle camping trip no matter where you go! 

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